Traditionally, the mirror was a symbol of wealth, hung in the most prominent point of the room for guests to admire. Although mirrors have recently become a feature of practicality, this post demonstrates the beauty of mirror and how to use it once again as an element of prominence and admiration.
Mirror Mosaic
Glamourise your hallway with a mosaic statement. Softened by pretty pinks and church candles, this focal point is welcoming an effective feature in the modern or traditional home.
Wall of Mirrors
Panels of antique mirror will add eclectic flair to a simple scheme. Lifting the colours and textures, reflecting and bouncing light to create contrast and shadow. Opt for a mirror with pins in each corner, similar to mirror above left, for a more expensive look.
Mirror in the Kitchen
Kitchens can become very practical places, so why not try adding mirror as your splash back to create a feeling of glamour and beauty. Remember to include warmer tones when using this type of mirror to avoid a cold feel to the room, as kitchens naturally contain a lot of cold materials; metal, stone and ceramic.
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